Thursday, 18 October 2012

Final Lego lunches design

This is my final render of my Lego lunches, it shows my final design were there's sections for the child to store food but there's also an area were they can play with their Lego, with also a place to store them. This is designed around the concept of promoting the child to eat more international healthier foods, this one is obviously the Spanish lunchbox which has a healthier option of that countries selected foods.

Spainish Style Lego Lunches

Lunchbox Design

Lunch box first design, I designed the box using primitives instead of low-poly modelling, I just used this as a base for my final lunch box design

Lego Pieces

Here is me designing Lego pieces for practice for my finished Lego Lunches project, I measured the demonsions of actual Lego pieces so that the measurements will be correct


This was another tutorial which showed me how to connect bridges which formed the windows and door panels, the roof, grass and tree on the other hand were just aesthetics

Crate (Texturing and lighting effects)

In this tutorial I was showed how to apply a bitmap to a simple box shape then how to use lighting effects to show show and 3D

Final Render of sports bottle

Final Rendering of Sports Drink Bottle, I tried to go with the circular based top which was seen in a few drinks bottles years ago, but I think its a cool design plus the circular shield prevents any liquid from escaping

Sports Bottle 1st Render

I used low polygon modelling to design this bottle, it was my first attempt at trying to create your basic drink bottle, also created a screw cap to attach to the top of the bottle

Mobile Phone

My mobile tutorial using 3D Max, in the design I used boolean to makes the buttons and screen

Body Measurements

This was one of my first projects using 3D Max were I measured our bodies to fine detail and converted it into a 3D Max spline

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Art of Avatar

The author's name is Lisa Fitzpatrick
The year book was published in 2010
The title of the book is The art of avatar
The name of the publisher is Abrams books

This is a book I have yet to get hold of but after going through some of the tutorials that people have done with methods they have found from this book I think its going to be very helpful and I plan to be referencing alot of this style of 3D colouring into my work.

Below shows someone using this style on PS to craft their face into one of the Na'vi you see in the movie Avatar.


Date I assessed the source: 10/09/11
Electronic address:
The type of electronic resource: Webpage

This website is a really great resource for tutorials for most software, it got me through alot of my work last year particularly in the 3D max department, it does cost though but if your sneaky enough you can find your way past it

Liberty Remastered

This is my second attempt at Liberty

In this 1 basically I remastered the lighting effects so that it looked more like the torch was the only light source the image has and everythingelse was fading around that.


This is my first attempt at creating a 3D affect with Liberty.

  • What I seen when first looking at Liberty was that there was people living in her head, and seen that she is the so called 'Queen of America' I thought that the people in her head was the President and the first lady. (Not current ofcourse)
  • I tried to resemble the orginal statue as much as I could because when she was imagining her I assume she was thinking of her actual colours
  • Also I seen the torch as sort of a becon of light which lights up the image from its orginal darkness desplayed by the dark edges

Lillyrose and Sammy Wot

This is my first draft interpertation of the Lillyrose and Sammy Watt using Photoshop
  • I more focused on how the child drew Lilly and Sammys faces in diffrent ways, which to me inticated that maybe they're not of the same race.
  • I liked the thought of Lilly being Sammys so called imaginary friend which the green skin implies showing shes not human.
  • I tried to stick with the christmas/winter theme which there heavy warm clothes suggests. 

Old blog deleted

I am creating this new blog because for some unprecedented reason my old blog has been deleted from blogger, so in the next up coming weeks I will be collecting samples of work from my previous year of Design and re-publishing them, Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.